Recent Patriotic Forum meetings and activities





During recent months The Patriotic Forum has staged the following activities, and meetings addressed by the prominent people featured below :-


May 2024

In May 2024 the Patriotic Forum staged a special meeting in central London in order to celebrate Empire Day. At this meeting the Committee of the Patriotic Forum was re-structured, and a provisional itinerary of interesting guest speakers for the forthcoming months was agreed upon.

April 2024

On St.George’s Day 2024 the Patriotic Forum gave their full support to the massive march and rally which took place in central London that day, which saw a large contingent of Patriotic Forum members, supporters and friends participate.

January 2024

On 25th January 2024 the Patriotic Forum staged their traditional Burns Night/Australia Day celebration. This began with a small ceremony at the bust of Admiral Arthur Phillip (who founded Sydney and became the first Governor of NSW) in the City of London, where a short speech was given and the Australian National Anthem was sung (pictured). Following this the Patriotic Forum party proceeded to a near-by hostelry for a Haggis meal in order to mark Burns Night.

May 2023

In May 2023 the Patriotic Forum joined forces with the Springbok Club in order to celebrate Empire Day. Brief talks were given by three prominent members of the organisations about their times spent in Rhodesia, Kenya and Canada, and about visits to Gibraltar, Malta, Hong Kong and Bermuda.

January 2023

On 25th January 2023 the Patriotic Forum held a haggis dinner in order to celebrate Burns Night, and also as it was by then Australia Day in Australia itself celebrated Australia Day, with a message of greetings being relayed from an Australian supporter.

October 2022

In October 2022 the Patriotic Forum staged a most interesting and informative meeting which was addressed by Mr. Peter Lindsay, the highly respected political analyst and commentator, who spoke under the theme of “The World Crisis”, in which he detailed the dangers emanating from the current conflict in the Ukraine,

May 2022

The Patriotic Forum managed to hold its first “live” meeting since before the advent of all the lunatic “lockdown” measures in May 2022. The guest speaker was Ms. Hayley de Ronde who had given a highly informative and well-received talk at a Patriotic Forum Zoom meeting in February 2021, and who expanded upon her knowledgeable scientific criticism of all the unnecessary and unjustified Covid-19 panic restrictions and paranoia.

February 2022

In February 2022 the Patriotic Forum held a highly informative Zoom meeting which was addressed by Ms. Kate Shemirani, the highly respected campaigner against “lockdown” regulations and compulsory vaccinations. In her most enlightening speech Ms. Shemirani explained in detail why many current claims made by medicrats were false and should be resisted..

November 2021

The Patriotic Forum staged a Zoom meeting in November 2021 which was addressed by Mr.Bob Vinnicombe from Sydney, Australia, who gave a most informative and eye-opening talk about the Wuhan virus lockdown, the threat of communist China, the climate change scam and the loss of free speech and the ability of free discussion due to the overwhelming bias of the media and  laws that inhibit free speech

September 2021

In September 2021 the Patriotic Forum staged a Zoom meeting which was addressed by Mr. Alan Barr from Co.Antrim, Northern Ireland, who gave a most enlightening and eloquent speech about the current situation in Ulster, with particular reference to the problems posed by the EU-imposed Northern Ireland protocol, and the struggle for greater Unionist unity to oppose attempts to weaken the province’s current position within the United Kingdom.

May 2021

The Patriotic Forum staged a Zoom meeting in May 2021 which was addressed by Mr. Rodney Atkinson, author of the “British Declaration of Independence” and the founder and administrator of the FreeNations news post, who spoke on the theme of "Corporatism will kill us all", with particular reference to the continuing machinations of the EU, last year's US election coup and the Covid panic crisis.

February 2021

The Patriotic Forum held its first proper Zoom meeting in February 2021. The guest speaker at this event was Ms. Hayley de Ronde, a fully qualified specialist in animal behaviour, health and welfare who founded and administers the “Covid-18 Logic vs Strategy” FaceBook page, which questions the official claims regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and the extreme measures being taken to counteract it.

January 2021

In January 2021 the Patriotic Forum held an “experimental” Zoom meeting, at which the guest speaker was Prof. Jason Jellison, an American professor currently lecturing in ethics, law, philosophy, English and teacher training in Thailand, who spoke about the current chaotic situation in the United States following the disputed Presidential election result.

January 2020

On the evening of Friday 31st January a large contingent of Patriotic Forum members and supporters joined in the massive celebrations at Parliament Square, London, in order to celebrate Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.

December 2019

In December 2019 the Patriotic Forum held a meeting which was addressed by Major John Browne, the former Conservative MP for Winchester who is now based in the United States where he runs a number of successful entrepreneurial businesses, and is a close observer and commentator of global political developments.

October 2019

Patriotic Forum members and supporters participated in large numbers in the massive Pro-Brexit march and rally which took place at Westminster on 31st October 2019 – the day which should have marked the UK’s final departure from the European Union.

September 2019

The Patriotic Forum staged a special Canadian-themed event in September 2019, when several sites in Greenwich associated with General James Wolfe were visited, and a report-back was given about a recent trip to Newfoundland.

June 2019

In June 2019 the Patriotic Forum celebrated Empire Day rather belatedly by staging a trip to Gravesend in order visit several places of historical importance there, particularly sites associated with General Charles George Gordon (“Gordon of Khartoum”), who lived for many years in the town and was a great benefactor to charities there.

Image result for General Charles George Gordon

April 2019

In April 2019 the Patriotic Forum celebrated the 77th anniversary of Malta being awarded the George Cross by staging a trip to various sites in the Blackheath and Charlton areas of London in order to visit places associated with Lt.Gen.Sir William Dobbie, the Governor General of Malta at the time the George Cross was awarded to the country, and to whom the letter confirming the award from King George VI was addressed. These sites included both his former house and his grave.

Image result for Lt.Gen. Sir William Dobbie grave

February 2019

In February 2019 the Patriotic Forum celebrated New Zealand Day by visiting a number of sites in London associated with the early colonisation of New Zealand. These included the berth on the Thames Embankment from where the Survey Ship Tory set-sail for New Zealand in 1839, and the HQ of the New Zealand Company in near-by John Adams Street.

January 2019

On 25th January 2019 the Patriotic Forum staged a double celebration, celebrating both Australia Day (it was Australia Day in Australia itself at the time) with a short ceremony at the bust of Admiral Arthur Phillip (the founder of Sydney and the first Governor of NSW) in the City of London, and then celebrating Burns Night with a tradition haggis supper ar a near-by establishment..

December 2018

In order to celebrate Falkland Islands Battle Day the Patriotic Forum staged a trip to Chatham Dockyard (where many of the ships which took part in the Battle of the Falkland Islands in 1914 and the Falklands War of 1982 were based) in December 2018. Afterwards a PowerPoint presentation about the Battle of the Falkland Islands was shown at a near-by historic pub,

November 2018

In November 2018 the Patriotic Forum was addressed by Mr. Huw Shakeshaft, a prominent international financial analyst and advisor and Brexiteer activist who gave a most enlightening and riveting speech under the title of “The EU and the catastrophic road ahead for the EU and the EuroZone post-Brexit”.

October 2018

Gibraltar Day was celebrated rather belatedly by the Patriotic Forum in 2018, and featured a special talk about the life and achievements of Mr. Les Hompstead, a leading civil servant in the Ministry of Defence (Navy) who had been stationed in Gibraltar for three years during the early 1970s, and who as a result had become a strong supporter and advocate of Gibraltar’s cause, but who sadly died earlier during the year.

September 2018

In September 2018 the Patriotic Forum welcomed Mr. Bob Vinnicombe from Sydney, Australia as guest speaker. In his highly enlightening talk Mr. Vinnicome detailed the events which occurred during the recent dramatic change in Australian Prime Ministers, and also told of his own impressions of Scott Morrison.

Late July 2018

In July 2018 the Patriotic Forum welcomed Mr. Marko Gasic as guest speaker. Mr. Gasic, who is a prominent Serbian spokesman in London, had edited the highly acclaimed book Folly and Malice, which explains the true reasons for the outbreak of World War One, and in his enthralling speech he detailed the basic facts revealed in this book.

Early July 2018

The Patriotic Forum celebrated Canada Day in 2018 by staging a trip to Greenwich in order to visit several places in the area associated with Gen.James Wolfe, including the site of his grave at St.Alfege’s Church, the National Maritime Museum, Macartney House and his statue at the top of Greenwich Hill.

May 2018

In May 2018 the Patriotic Forum staged a special meeting in order to celebrate both Empire Day and Bermuda Day. It is the aim of the Patriotic Forum to encourage the official celebration of Empire Day once again regularly in future.

April 2018

In April 2018 the Patriotic Forum held a special event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the RAF. This consisted of a short ceremony at St.Clement Danes Church in The Strand, when a wreath in honour of all those who have served in the RAF was laid at the altar and poppy-crosses were laid at the statues of Marshall of the RAF Lord Dowding and Marshall of the RAF Sir Arthur Harris. Afterwards a PowerPoint presentation about the careers of both these commanders was shown as a near-by hostelry.

March 2018

In March the Patriotic Forum staged a meeting which was addressed by Mr.John Petley, the Operations Manager of The Campaign for an Independent Britain. In a powerful and indeed inspiring speech entitled “The Rocky Road to BrexitMr.Petley recounted how the “Vote Leave” campaign triumphed in 2016, and how, in spite of severe problem still confronting the Brexit negotiations, he was confident that Britain’s complete withdrawal from the EU would still be accomplished.

February 2018

The Patriotic Forum celebrated New Zealand Day 2018 by staging a day of events to honour the memory of Sir George Grey KCB, who served twice as Governor of New Zealand and subsequently became the 11th Prime Minister of New Zealand. The events started with a visit to Sir George Grey’s grave and memorial in St.Paul’s Cathedral, where due respects were paid, and then the Patriotic Forum party adjourned to a near-by hostelry where Mr. Gary Vincent gave a fascinating and extremely well-researched PowerPoint presentation about the life and career of this great Imperial hero.

January 2018

The Patriotic Forum held two events during January 2018. Australia Day was celebrated with a brief ceremony at the bust of Sir Arthur Phillip (the founder of Sydney and the first Governor of New South Wales) in the City of London, and then a meeting was held which was addressed by Mr. George Major, the President of The Pearly Kings and Queens Guild about the history of the Pearly Kings and Queens movement, and Cockney culture in general.

September 2017

In September 2017 the Patriotic Forum celebrated Gibraltar Day by staging a visit to Canterbury in order to visit several sites associated with Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Rooke, who commanded the joint British-Dutch forces who captured Gibraltar in 1704. The sites visited included the Warrior Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral where there is a monument to Sir George Rooke, and St.Paul’s Church where he is buried.

August 2017

In August 2017 the Patriotic Forum held a belated celebration of Canada Day by making a trip to Westerham, where they visited several sites associated with General James Wolfe.



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